C (289/301)

From:Duncan Strand
Date:04 Aug 99 at 18:36:46
Subject:Re: Re: textfield problems :(

From: "Duncan Strand" <dstrand@zebs.screaming.net>

> From: Allan Odgaard <Duff@DIKU.DK>

> The problem seems to be that the correct library base is not used, when
> GetClass(), thus resulting in a jump to a random place in memory.
> You can probably verify this by looking at the assembler output.

How? What would I look for? (I've only done very basic 8086 and 6502 assembler)

> > I'm using DiceC.
> I have no experiences with this compiler - you could try to re-generate
> files from the textfield.fd file, if you haven't already done that. As it may
> be that the included files aren't compatible with DiceC...

Have now tried that, but the only difference is that enforcer doesn't report
anything, and MCP displays a guru requestor indicating the GetClass line as the

> Do you declare the TextFieldBase yourself someplace? Cause I think you must
> this...

Its declared as (like in the example):

struct Library *TextFieldBase = NULL;

Duncan Strand ICQ: 16966914
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Dogs crawl under gates, software crawls under Windows.